© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council member Tim Ritzman. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Mayor John Kerns, Plant Manager Jared Wagner, Assistant Operator Brycen Little. HRG engineer Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. President Shipp called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns Mike Hartley presented a final bound copy of the Multimodal Plan the Council and MCSI had previously acknowledged. 80% of the funds came from the State with 20% from MCSI for the Plan. He is moving forward to have Greenwood Township and the Rec Board of the Park adopt the plan to have everyone on board for when the awards are given. Lemoyne received $900,000 for their plan. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed Councilmember Ritzman. made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Vice President Hertzler seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report No report. Sewer Committee Jared advises the sludge pump from basin #1 has not been returned as yet. Water Committee Report The new well meter has been installed and is working fine. Forever chemical testing was once again negative. He is waiting DEP’s decision if we will need to Water Committee Report cont. test every year or every three years. There was a possible violation reporting to DEP for taking tests too early. The DEP annual water system inspection is on Wednesday. Finance Committee Report Auditors Hamilton & Musser will be preparing the Annual DCED Audit. They spend several days in the office compiling their information. Solid Waste Committee Report The trash will be picked up one day late due to snow. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger has nothing to report. Engineer’s Report The McMillian Dentistry wants to revisit paving his parking lot and they are in the process of compiling information for him. An estimate for the pigging the main was presented for $45,000 from APS. They have offered an option of a smart pigging to evaluate the condition of the pipes for an additional $69,500 for a total of $114,500. The Authority only has $400,000 for the completed project so option one would be most feasible. Justin will rewrite the Grant application to include this cost and scope change. No action is required tonight. The EPA federal grant for water is being submitted electronically with $250,100 in 2025 for engineering fees and construction and $249,900 for construction in 2026. They will work closely with Secretary Knellinger for administration tasks. The Annual Chapter 94 report for sewer and the Annual CCR report for water are due by 3/31/25. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly has no report. Mayor’s Report The No Parking signs need to be turned according to PSP for them to be enforced. Old Business None New Business A new storm box will need to be placed at Nace and Sunbury and built up to grade since the existing one has sunk and eroding a large hole. Jared will do this when weather permits. New Business cont. A letter from the EMS Council Strategic Plan was presented which states a previous letter was sent September 29, 2022 form the County Commissioners. This is the first correspondence the Council has received on the subject. A meeting will be held at the NHS on 1/21/25 to discuss combining EMS companies with a consulting firm. No Executive Session is needed. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 7pm.
© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council member Tim Ritzman. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Mayor John Kerns, Plant Manager Jared Wagner, Assistant Operator Brycen Little. HRG engineer Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. President Shipp called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns Mike Hartley presented a final bound copy of the Multimodal Plan the Council and MCSI had previously acknowledged. 80% of the funds came from the State with 20% from MCSI for the Plan. He is moving forward to have Greenwood Township and the Rec Board of the Park adopt the plan to have everyone on board for when the awards are given. Lemoyne received $900,000 for their plan. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed Councilmember Ritzman. made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Vice President Hertzler seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report No report. Sewer Committee Jared advises the sludge pump from basin #1 has not been returned as yet. Water Committee Report The new well meter has been installed and is working fine. Forever chemical testing was once again negative. He is waiting DEP’s decision if we will need to Water Committee Report cont. test every year or every three years. There was a possible violation reporting to DEP for taking tests too early. The DEP annual water system inspection is on Wednesday. Finance Committee Report Auditors Hamilton & Musser will be preparing the Annual DCED Audit. They spend several days in the office compiling their information. Solid Waste Committee Report The trash will be picked up one day late due to snow. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger has nothing to report. Engineer’s Report The McMillian Dentistry wants to revisit paving his parking lot and they are in the process of compiling information for him. An estimate for the pigging the main was presented for $45,000 from APS. They have offered an option of a smart pigging to evaluate the condition of the pipes for an additional $69,500 for a total of $114,500. The Authority only has $400,000 for the completed project so option one would be most feasible. Justin will rewrite the Grant application to include this cost and scope change. No action is required tonight. The EPA federal grant for water is being submitted electronically with $250,100 in 2025 for engineering fees and construction and $249,900 for construction in 2026. They will work closely with Secretary Knellinger for administration tasks. The Annual Chapter 94 report for sewer and the Annual CCR report for water are due by 3/31/25. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly has no report. Mayor’s Report The No Parking signs need to be turned according to PSP for them to be enforced. Old Business None New Business A new storm box will need to be placed at Nace and Sunbury and built up to grade since the existing one has sunk and eroding a large hole. Jared will do this when weather permits. New Business cont. A letter from the EMS Council Strategic Plan was presented which states a previous letter was sent September 29, 2022 form the County Commissioners. This is the first correspondence the Council has received on the subject. A meeting will be held at the NHS on 1/21/25 to discuss combining EMS companies with a consulting firm. No Executive Session is needed. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 7pm.